Tag - falsification

Sample Notices to Explain for Falsification of Attendance Record (in Filipino/Tagalog) with and without Preventive Suspension

Falsification of time cards constitutes serious misconduct and dishonesty or fraud, which are just causes for the termination of employment under Art. 282(a) and (c) of the Labor Code (now Art. 297 in a re-numbered Labor Code; Get a re-numbered copy of Labor Code 2018 here). [Felix vs. Enertech Systems Industries, Inc., G.R. No. 142007, March 28, 2001] In one case, the Supreme Court (SC) held that falsifications are crimes punished by the Revised Penal Code itself. Their commission constitutes [...]

Sample Notice of Termination for Falsification of Attendance Record

This is the sample form for termination of employee who committed falsification of his attendance record. In the previous post, the NTE for this offense was already posted. Those following this post may have noticed a wayward topic on “coherence in writing” and “weight loss” which this author did not write. The IT of this writer is now looking into this incident. At any rate, the sample notice below is based on the book HR Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume 2, [...]

Sample Notice to Explain for Falsification of Attendance Record

One of the common problems of companies is the irregularity on attendance record. While biometric system has been popularly adopted there are still those that use the manual and bundy clock records. The last two methods are prone to falsification. In this Form, a disciplinary action is taken for offense involving this incident. The Form is based on the book HR Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume 2, pp. 29-30. Form No. 10 Notice to Explain (First Notice) – Falsification of Attendance [...]

Sample Notice of Dismissal for Falsification of Company Receipts

During the previous post, a sample NTE was shown for falsification of company receipts which is dismissible offense. In such NTE, a Notice of Hearing/Conference is also included to comply with the statutory due process. The Notice of Dismissal is the final step to complete the procedural requirements. The sample notice below is based on the book HR Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume 2, pp. 27-28. Form No. 9 Decision to Dismiss (Final Notice) – Falsification of Company receipts To : Name [...]

Sample Notice to Explain Offense of Falsification of Company Receipts

The sample template below is falsification but this time pertains to another company document. This will help HR practitioners understand the peculiarities of each document in terms of addressing the disciplinary issues. Thus, below is the sample NTE. This is based on the book HR Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume 2, pp. 26-27. Form No. 8 Notice to Explain (First Notice) – Falsification of company receipts To : Name of Employee From : Human Resources Manager Subject : Falsification of company receipts [...]

Sample Notice of Termination for Falsification of Commercial Documents

This is the final notice of the offense Falsification of Other Commercial Documents which in my previous post I shared the sample Notice to Explain. These two notices are crucial in making sure that the dismissal of employee complies with the procedural due process requirements. This is based on my book HR Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume 2 pp 24-25. Don’t labor thinking how to create the legally defensible notices of disciplinary action. This book will help you and you [...]

Sample Notice to Explain for Falsifying Official Receipts to Increase Expenses for Reimbursement

The Sample Form below is based on Atty. Villanueva’s book HR Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume 2. This Notice to Explain (NTE) includes the Notice of Conference. Form No. 4 Notice to Explain (First Notice) – Falsifying Official Receipts to Increase Expenses for Reimbursement To : Name of Employee From : Human Resources Manager Subject : Falsifying official receipts to increase expenses for reimbursement Date : (Date of issuance of Notice) The incident which occurred in the premises of the office has been brought to our attention. It [...]

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