Tag - employee discipline

Criminal Aspects of Incidents Leading to Loss of Trust and Confidence

Loss of trust and confidence is one of the grounds for dismissal of employees under the Labor Code. This may arise from incidents of fraud, theft, etc. which are criminal in nature. The question is what would be the effect of the criminal aspects on the labor dispute stemming from loss of trust and confidence? The violation of company policy may involve a criminal act for which the employee may be charged by the employer in a criminal court. Non-conviction in [...]

Loss of Trust and Confidence Applies to Confidential Employees

There are rank-and-file employees who hold highly confidential positions due to their fiduciary responsibilities and proximity to the management that makes important decisions pertaining to labor relations. In one of my clients’ organizational setup, an employee who used to be a holder of supervisory position being an assistant to the SVP for Marketing was demoted to rank-and-file status. But he was classified as a confidential employee. This kind of confidential employee is not a holder of a trusted position but [...]

Loss of Trust and Confidence Based on Employee Position

Loss of trust and confidence is premised on the fact that the employee holds a position whose functions may only be performed by someone who has the confidence of management. Such employee may be managerial or rank-and-file, but the nature of his position determines the requirements for a valid dismissal. With respect to a managerial employee, the mere existence of a basis for believing that such employee has breached the trust of his employer would suffice for his dismissal. Proof beyond [...]

Sexual Harassment in a Nutshell

Republic Act 7877 or the “Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995” governs the cases of sexual harassment. In section 3 of the law, it provides that: “Section 3. Work, Education or Training- Related, Sexual Harassment Defined.—Work, education or training-related sexual harassment is commit ted by an employer, employee, manager, supervisor, agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainor, or any other person who, having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work or training or education environment, demands, [...]

Specific Instances Constituting Serious Misconduct

A series of irregularities may constitute serious misconduct. Thus, in Gustilo vs. Wyeth Phils. where the employee committed the following acts: Falsified his employment application form by not stating therein that he is the nephew of the company’s manager; Falsified gasoline receipt; Submitted false report of his trade outlet calls; and Unauthorized availment of sick, vacation and emergency leaves The Court held that with those listed offenses, the dismissal from service is in order. Citing Piedad vs. Lanao del Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc. [G.R. [...]

Negligence: When is it a Valid Ground for Employee Dismissal?

Negligence is one of the common offenses violated by employees. However, do all forms of negligence warrant dismissal from service? No. For negligence to be a proper ground for termination, it must not only be gross but must be both “gross and habitual” in character to justify depriving an employee of his means of livelihood. In short, not all forms of negligence should be penalized with dismissal. A single or an isolated act of negligence which is not “gross and habitual” [...]

Reckless Imprudence Committed by Drivers of Company Vehicle as Ground for Discipline

Acquire Mastery of HR/Labor Doctrines, Rules and Principles with Atty. Elvin’s HR Bundle Books at Discounted Rate Reckless imprudence is a form of negligence. It connotes lack of foresight or lack of skill. For instance, a company driver who operates the vehicle and gets involved in a collision with another vehicle. This may result in death of the other driver and/or damage to the other vehicle. In such case, can the company hold the driver of its vehicle liable? More specifically, can [...]

Notice to Explain vs. Investigation Report: Does the Company Need to have Both?

Notice to Explain (NTE) is one of the steps required in employee discipline. Most importantly it is mandatory to be issued in the case of employee termination. NTE is part of the procedural due process mandated by law. Not to make the valid termination illegal but to ensure that the right to due process is respected. Failure to issue the NTE violates this process and renders the employer liable for indemnity in the form of nominal damages. In some establishments, especially [...]


Balais vs. Se’lon by Aimee G.R. No. 196557, June 15, 2016 Facts: Balais narrated that he was Salon de Orient’s senior hairstylist and make-up artist when respondent Amelita Revilla (Revilla) took over the business. Revilla, however, retained his services as senior hairstylist and make-up artist. Under the new management, Salon De Orient became Se’lon by Aimee and respondent Alma Belarmino (Belarmino) was appointed as its salon manager, who was in-charge of paying the employees’ wages, dismissing erring employees, and exercising control [...]

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