Tag - casual

Casual Employment and the Importance of Having a Good Contract

An employment shall be deemed to be casual if the employee has not been engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer, regular, project, or seasonal employee. It is one of the exceptions to the rule on regular employment under Article 295 which states that the provisions of written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to [...]

Employee Termination Based on Form of Employment

Termination of employee depends on the form of employment. Just cause or authorized cause as ground for dismissal is the only blanket ground applicable to all forms. Hence, to terminate employee, it can be argued that there are two main classifications of grounds: Just Cause / Authorized Cause Peculiar cause provided in the nature of employment and terms of contract For just cause or authorized cause, the law is clear since these are provided under Articles 297, 298, and 299, respectively. For the [...]

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