Tag - Overtime

Sample Computation of Wage and Benefits Under NCR Wage Order No. 23

The RTWPB of NCR has issued Wage Order No. 23 increasing the NCR minimum wage by PhP33.000 per day making the new minimum for non-agricultural sector at PhP570.00. With the increase in the minimum wage, business owners may be interested to see the picture of how it would look like in numbers. Below are the illustrations of this projected implementation although the wage order still has to take effect following the completion of its publication. Reportedly, it shall take effect 4 [...]

Holiday Pay Computation For November 30, 2017 (Bonifacio Day) With Illustrations

Holiday pay computation for November 30, 2017 or Bonifacio Day is provided by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) under Labor Advisory 15, Series of 2017. According to DOLE issuance: If the employee did not work, he shall be paid 100% of his salary for that day, subject to certain conditions under the implementing rules and regulations [(Daily rate + COLA) x 100%]; For work done during the regular holiday, the employee shall be paid 200% of his regular salary for [...]

Overtime Policy in Relation to Discipline – Sample Policy

Overtime policies once implemented may involve disciplinary action for certain employees. Offenses normally committed fall under neglect of duty, insubordination or willful disobedience, as the case may be. Hence, below is a sample policy to address this matter. This is based on the book How to Design and Formulate Company Code of Discipline (pp. 40-41) by Atty. Villanueva. Sample policy on overtime in relation to discipline : Employees authorized to render overtime work shall have one-half hour interval from the end of [...]

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