Tag - social media

Social Media Access that is Unauthorized During Office Hours may be Ground for Disciplinary Action – Sample Decision

Social media govern the modern way of life. However, this takes up too much time if uncontrolled. In office environment, this can spell disaster on company productivity. In the previous post habitual violation on this policy was issued a Notice to Explain (NTE). In this sample form, a Notice of Decision is issued. The post below is based on the book Human Resource Forms, Notices and Contracts Volume 2 by Atty. Villanueva. Form No. 63 Decision to Dismiss (Final Notice) – Habitual [...]

Social Media Access at Work May be Ground for Disciplinary Action – Sample Notice to Explain

Social media is undoubtedly an important part of modern life. However, too much time spent on it during office hours can impact on productivity. Hence, employers may regulate the use or prohibit in its policy. The post below is based on the book Human Resource Forms, Notices and Contracts Volume 2 Form No. 62 Notice to Explain (First Notice) – Habitual Violation on Accessing Social Networking Sites, unauthorized email service provider such as Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and others To : Name of Employee From [...]

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