Tag - Invectives

Sample Notice of Decision – Hurling Invectives Against a Superior

Sample Notice of Decision provides perspective for HR practitioners on the format and contents of the final step in employee dismissal. This is given after the employer has issued Notice to Explain and held a hearing or conference. In the previous post a Sample Notice to Explain was presented involving this offense so this is part of that process. This template is based on the book Human Resource Forms, Notices and Contracts Volume 2 (pp. 69-70). Form No. 37 Decision to Dismiss (Final [...]

Sample Notice to Explain – Hurling Invectives Against a Superior

Sample Notice to Explain is a template to guide HR practitioners on the procedural requirements of employee discipline. In this post, the fictional offense is hurling invectives against a superior. This act can amount to serious misconduct. The post below is based on the book Human Resource Forms, Notices and Contracts Volume 2 (pp. 67-69). Form No. 36 Notice to Explain (First Notice) – Hurling Invectives Against a Superior To : Name of Employee From : Human Resources Manager or other authorized officer [...]

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