Tag - Compressed WorkWeek

Holiday Pay Benefits Affecting Daily Paid Employees who are on Compressed Workweek (CWW)

Normally, establishments require work from Monday to Saturday at eight-hour work per day. Filipinos prefer to spend Saturdays and Sundays with family and for leisure activities among others. Employers would also like to save cost. Hence, the idea came out to compress the work days in a week from six days to five thereby eliminating the Saturday work. But the effect is an increased work hours from Monday to Friday where such excess hours are not compensable under overtime [...]

Compressed Workweek with Sample Wage Computation Based on NCR Wage Order No. 22

Compressed workweek scheme was originally conceived for establishments wishing to save on energy costs, promote greater work efficiency and lower the rate of employee absenteeism, among others. Normally, establishments require work from Monday to Saturday at eight-hour work per day. Filipinos prefer to spend Saturdays and Sundays with family and for leisure activities among others. Employers would also like to save cost. Hence, the idea came out to compress the work days in a week from six days to five [...]

Compressed Workweek (CWW) Policy Part 1 of 2

Compressed Workweek (CWW) is one of the ways for the company to save on resources and for employees to reduce time of commuting, etc. without losing efficiency. The post below is based on the book How to Design and Formulate Company Code of Discipline (41-46) by Atty. Villanueva. Under the Labor Code, establishments can require work from Monday to Saturday at eight-hour work per day. However, the labor and management may agree to compress the work days in a week from [...]

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