Sample Contract for Part-Time Employment (English Version) – Soft Copy Editable Template
This is a soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document.
This contains the sample terms, conditions, clauses, and provisions of the contract described.
See the Description below to view the Contents of this soft copy template.
A part-time employee is one who is engaged to perform services for a shorter period of time than those considered as normal in the establishment. This type of employee may undergo probationary period. The probation period of a part-time employee shall be equivalent to the hours it takes a full-time employee to complete a six- month probationary period.
Thus, a part-time employee can be a regular employee also. Acquiring a regular status is not dictated by the amount of time per day one has to render service.
An employee can acquire regular status when the term of his contract shows that he is engaged in a regular or permanent status; when the term of his employment indicates that he is employed for an indefinite period; when he continues to perform work or services even after the expiration of the probationary period, and when he performs work or services usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer.
One’s regularity of employment is not determined by the number of hours one works but by the nature and by the length of time one has been in that particular job. (Perpetual Help Credit Cooperative vs. Faburada, G.R. No. 121948. October 8, 2001)
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Now, in crafting the contract for part-time employment, the employer should bear in mind the following:
- The employment is for part-time employment only
- The contract shall clearly indicate the date of termination or termination upon completion of activity
- Compensation and benefits
- Data privacy consent clause
- Duties and responsibilities
- Place of posting and transfer
- Office Decorum
The sample template is editable in Word 365 in 8.5’ x 13’.
There are other helpful contract templates available that can assist employers in running their human resource matters such as the following:
- Contract for Probationary for Daily Paid Employee in English – View sample contract here
- Contract for Probationary for Monthly Paid Employee in English
- Contract for Project Employment English Version – View sample contract here
- Employment Contracts Package (English and Filipino) – View sample contracts here
- Contract for Casual Employment in English
- Contract for Casual Employment in Filipino
- Contract for Probationary Employment for Daily Paid Employee in Filipino
- Contract for Probationary Employment for Monthly Paid Employee in Filipino
- Contract for Part-Time Employment in English
- Contract for Part-Time Employment in Filipino
- Contract for Seasonal Employment in English
- Contract for Seasonal Employment in Filipino
- Contract for Regular Employment Daily Paid in Filipino
- Contract for Fixed-Term Employment in English
- Contract for Fixed-Term Employment in Filipino
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Temporary Flexible Work Arrangement Template – Work from Home – Soft Copy Editable Template
This is a soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document.
This contains the sample terms, conditions, clauses, and provisions of the contract described.
See the Description below to view the Contents of this soft copy template.
This Agreement establishes the terms and conditions of the Flexible Work Arrangement on account of the COVID-19 outbreak.
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This book will help HR practitioners in discharging their role as the hub for the maintenance of industrial peace and harmony. Not only that this will help avoid costly mistakes in the event of labor disputes but will also help express the policies and principles of company.
The English forms and templates contained in this book are listed below.
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I………. Introduction ……………………………………………………. 1
II……… Chapter I: Pre-hiring forms ………………………………. 3
A….. Sample Application Form …………………………. 5
B….. Sample Application Letter by Employee ……. 21
C….. Employment Checklist …………………………….. 23
III…….. Chapter II: Contracts at point of hiring …………….. 27
A….. Employment Contracts ……………………………. 27
B….. Contract for Probationary Employment ………. 45
C….. Contract for Regular Employment …………….. 69
D….. Contract for Casual Employment ………………. 75
E….. Contract for Project Employment ……………… 85
F….. Contract for Seasonal Employment …………… 96
G…. Contract for Fixed Term Employment ………. 105
H….. Contract for Part Time Employment ………… 113
I…… Transfer of Employees …………………………… 121
IV…….. Chapter III: Forms Used During Employment ….. 125
A….. Notices to Explain ………………………………… 129
Sample notices to explain (where imposable penalty is a warning) for the following offenses 131
i…… Violation of company policies on …………………… 132
1….. General Cleanliness ……………………………… 132
2….. Littering ………………………………………………. 133
3….. Smudging ……………………………………………. 134
4….. Disorderly Filing ……………………………………. 135
5….. Designated dining areas ………………………… 136
ii….. Attendance …………………………………………………. 138
1….. Unauthorized undertime ………………………… 138
2….. Violation of coffee break schedule ………….. 139
3….. Violation of lunch break schedule …………… 140
4….. Abandoning post ………………………………….. 141
iii…. Unauthorized absences ………………………………… 142
1….. Absence without leave (AWOL) ………………. 142
2….. Failure to give notice for sickness ……………. 144
iv…. Punctuality/Time-keeping …………………………….. 146
1….. Tardiness …………………………………………….. 146
2….. Failure to log-in ……………………………………. 148
3….. Failure to log-out ………………………………….. 149
v….. Knowingly punching timecard or logging in attendance for other employees 150
vi…. Unauthorized alteration made on one’s timecard or attendance sheet 151
vii… Unauthorized alteration made on other’s timecard with consent of such employee 153
viii.. Unauthorized alteration made on other’s timecard without the consent of such employee 154
ix…. Unauthorized removal of one’s timecard or attendance sheet 155
x….. Unauthorized removal of another’s timecard or attendance sheet 157
xi…. Unauthorized concealment of one’s timecard or attendance sheet 158
xii… Unauthorized concealment of another’s timecard or attendance sheet 159
xiii.. Intentional destruction of one’s timecard or attendance sheet 161
xiv… Intentional destruction of another’s timecard or attendance sheet 162
xv…. Dress Code ………………………………………………….. 164
1….. Without uniform ……………………………………. 164
a….. Reporting for work not in prescribed dress code 164
2….. With Uniform ………………………………………… 165
a….. Reporting for work not in prescribed uniform (barong or blouse) 165
b….. Reporting for work not in prescribed uniform (pants or skirt) 167
c….. Reporting for work not in prescribed uniform (blazer) 169
xvi… Identification card ……………………………………….. 171
1….. Failure to wear ID card ………………………….. 172
2….. Refusal to wear ID card ………………………….. 173
3….. Deliberate destruction of ID card …………….. 175
4….. Deliberate mutilation of ID card ……………… 176
5….. Alteration of entries in the ID card …………… 176
6….. Concealment of one’s ID card ………………… 177
7….. Concealment of another’s ID card …………… 179
8….. Unauthorized and improper use of ID card .. 180
xvii.. Loitering …………………………………………………….. 182
1….. Loitering in unrestricted area ………………….. 182
2….. Loitering in restricted area ……………………… 183
xviii. Insubordination ……………………………………………. 184
1….. Refusal to subject oneself to annual physical examinations 184
2….. Refusal to subject oneself to executive checkup 186
3….. Refusal to abide by auditing procedure ……. 187
4….. Refusal to abide by security and safety regulations 188
5….. Refusal to transfer to another assignment …. 190
6….. Refusal to perform one’s task …………………… 191
7….. Refusal to render overtime work ………………. 192
8….. Refusal to report for holiday work …………….. 194
9….. Refusal to issue disciplinary action to subordinate 195
10… Refusal to obey lawful orders of Superior ….. 196
11… Refusal to give information in a company investigation 198
Sample notices to explain (where imposable penalty is suspension) 199
i…… Attendance …………………………………………………. 202
1….. Unauthorized undertime ………………………… 202
2….. Knowingly punching timecard or logging in attendance for other employees 204
ii….. Insubordination ……………………………………………. 205
1….. Refusal to transfer to another assignment …. 205
iii…. Willful breach of trust (with mitigating circumstance) 207
1….. Misappropriation of fund ………………………… 207
Sample notice to explain (where imposable penalty is dismissal) 209
1….. Notice issued for abandonment of work ……. 211
2….. Notice issued for willful breach of trust …….. 214
Sample notice to explain (where imposable penalty is dismissal with preventive suspension) 216
1….. Notice to explain for Serious Misconduct with preventive suspension 211
2….. Notice to explain for offense involving Willful Breach of Trust 214
Sample notice of hearing/conference ………………………. 222
– Instances where hearing is not necessary ………. 224
– Tips in conducting the hearing/conference …… 225
1….. Hearing for offense involving Willful Breach of Trust 228
2….. Hearing for offense involving serious misconduct 229
B….. Notice imposing disciplinary action (warning) ….. 231
i…… Violation of company policies on …………………… 233
1….. General Cleanliness ……………………………… 233
2….. Littering ………………………………………………. 234
3….. Smudging ……………………………………………. 235
4….. Disorderly Filing ……………………………………. 237
5….. Designated dining areas ………………………… 238
ii….. Attendance …………………………………………………. 240
1….. Unauthorized undertime ………………………… 240
2….. Violation of coffee break schedule ………….. 241
3….. Violation of lunch break schedule …………… 243
4….. Abandoning post ………………………………….. 245
iii…. Unauthorized absences ………………………………… 246
1….. Absence without leave (AWOL) ………………. 246
2….. Failure to give notice for sickness ……………. 248
iv…. Punctuality/Time-keeping …………………………….. 251
1….. Tardiness …………………………………………….. 251
2….. Failure to log-in ……………………………………. 253
3….. Failure to log-out ………………………………….. 254
v….. Knowingly punching timecard or logging in attendance for other employees 255
vi…. Unauthorized alteration made on one’s timecard or attendance sheet 257
vii… Unauthorized alteration made on other’s timecard with consent of such employee 258
viii.. Unauthorized alteration made on other’s timecard without the consent of such employee 260
ix…. Unauthorized removal of one’s timecard or attendance sheet 262
x….. Unauthorized removal of another’s timecard or attendance sheet 263
xi…. Unauthorized concealment of one’s timecard or attendance sheet 265
xii… Unauthorized concealment of another’s timecard or attendance sheet 266
xiii.. Intentional destruction of one’s timecard or attendance sheet 268
xiv… Intentional destruction of another’s timecard or attendance sheet 269
xv…. Dress Code ………………………………………………….. 271
1….. Without uniform ……………………………………. 271
a….. Reporting for work not in prescribed dress code 271
2….. With Uniform ………………………………………… 272
a….. Reporting for work not in prescribed uniform (barong or blouse) 272
b….. Reporting for work not in prescribed uniform (pants or skirt) 274
c….. Reporting for work not in prescribed uniform (blazer) 277
xvi… Identification card ……………………………………….. 278
1….. Failure to wear ID card ………………………….. 278
2….. Refusal to wear ID card ………………………….. 280
3….. Deliberate destruction of ID card …………….. 281
4….. Deliberate mutilation of ID card ……………… 283
5….. Alteration of entries in the ID card …………… 285
6….. Concealment of one’s ID card ………………… 287
7….. Concealment of another’s ID card……………. 288
8….. Unauthorized and improper use of ID card .. 290
xvii.. Loitering …………………………………………………….. 293
1….. Loitering in unrestricted area ………………….. 293
2….. Loitering in restricted area ……………………… 294
xviii. Insubordination ……………………………………………. 296
1….. Refusal to subject oneself to annual physical examinations 297
2….. Refusal to subject oneself to executive checkup 298
3….. Refusal to abide by auditing procedure ……. 300
4….. Refusal to abide by security and safety regulations 301
5….. Refusal to transfer to another assignment …. 303
6….. Refusal to perform one’s task …………………… 305
7….. Refusal to render overtime work ………………. 307
8….. Refusal to report for holiday work …………….. 308
9….. Refusal to issue disciplinary action to subordinate 310
10….. Refusal to obey lawful orders of Superior ….. 312
11….. Refusal to give information in a company investigation 313
C….. Notice imposing disciplinary action (suspension). 315
i…… Attendance …………………………………………………. 315
1….. Unauthorized undertime ………………………… 315
2….. Knowingly punching timecard or logging in attendance for other employees 317
ii….. Insubordination ……………………………………………. 318
1….. Refusal to transfer to another assignment …. 318
iii…. Willful breach of trust (with mitigating circumstance) 320
1….. Misappropriation of funds ………………………. 321
D….. Notice of Dismissal ………………………………………. 324
i…… Notice of Dismissal for Abandonment ………. 324
ii….. Dismissal Notice for Serious Misconduct ….. 330
iii…. Dismissal Notice for Willful Breach of Trust.. 341
V….. Note on the next Volume/s of HR Forms, Notices and Contracts Made Easy 346
HR Forms, Notices and Contracts 2 Soft Copy Version (170+ Templates in Editable Word)
0 out of 5HR Forms 2 Soft Copy is now available offering editable templates in Word Document of 170+ disciplinary forms, notices, policies and sample Code of Conduct (with graduated penalties).
Soft Copy Version (Word File only – Saved as Single File)
Alert!: If you were able to purchase any of our soft copy products in the past please double-check that they are not part of these templates. This product is indivisible and individual soft copy templates previously purchased cannot be deducted from the price.
The regular price of P5,495.00 includes free shipping.
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Based on the book Human Resource Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume Two
- Editable in Word file (Saved as one file “HR Forms Volume 2 Soft Copy”)
- Fonts Used: Courier New, Arial Fonts
- With separate file showing instructions on How to Use and Navigate the HR Forms
- The product will be sent to Buyer’s Email Account given from LVS’ gmail account.
- Over 170 Sample Forms and Templates such as:
- Sample Notice to Explain for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc. - Sample Notice of Hearing/Conference for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc.
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- Sample Notice of Dismissal for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc. - Sample Notice of Retrenchment
- With Criteria
- Recall of notice
- Sample Notice of Redundancy
- Sample Notice of Termination Due to Installation of Labor Saving Device
- Sample Notice of Termination Due to Disease
- Sample CBA
- Sample Code of Conduct
- Sample Employee Handbook (containing clause on Expanded Maternity Leave)
- Many more!
Scroll down for more information (Table of Forms)
- Editable in Word file (Saved as one file “HR Forms Volume 2 Soft Copy”)
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0 out of 5Title: Batas Kasambahay
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2.42 out of 5Title: Gabay sa mga Karapatan ng Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)
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Publisher: Central Book Supply, Inc.
ISBN: 978-971-011-130-5
No. Of Pages: 185
Size: 6″x9″
Edition: First Edition, 2010
Size: 6″x9″
Binding: Softbound