Sample Anti Sexual Harassment Policy
This template is in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 7877, otherwise known as “An Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful in the Employment, Education or Training Environment, and For Other Purposes, the following policies and procedure are hereby issued by XYZ CORPORATION to prevent sexual harassment in its workplace and to provide the procedure for the resolution, settlement and/or disposition of sexual harassment cases.
Reminder!!! Buyer of any of the HR Bundle Products should CHECK if this product is already part of the HR bundle before proceeding to buy. Thank you!
This expresses the company’s aim to afford employees the opportunity to work in an environment free of sexual harassment. This template is intended to provide companies or employers the reference to comply with Department of Labor and Employment’s (DOLE) requirement for companies to setup the policy against sexual harassment in the workplace.
Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the employment relationship. No employee, either male or female, should be subjected verbally or physically to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct.
The softcopy template is written in Word document using MS Office 365 version, Arial font, 12 font size, containing 4 pages of 8.5”x11” layout.
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In compliance with the DOLE issuance, this template provides the following:
- Statement of Legal Compliance
- Declaration of Corporate Policy on Hepatitis B Prevention and Control
- Purpose
- Implementing Structure
- Coverage
- Guidelines
– Preventive Strategies - Recording, Reporting and Setting Up of Database
- Social Policy
– Non-Discriminatory Policy and Practices - Work Accommodation Arrangement
- Roles and Responsibilities of Workers
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Ring-Bound: Digest on Critical Supreme Court Decisions on Labor Cases 2016 Cases
0 out of 5- Binding: Ring-bound
- Paper size: 8.5” x 13”
- Colored Front Cover with Plastic protection
- Inside: White bond paper with black text
- No. of pages: Approximately 170
- Retail Price: P745.00
Digest of Critical Supreme Court Decisions on Labor Cases is an ambitious work to provide readers, HR practitioners, lawyers, and law students with crucial information on the Supreme Court decisions in labor cases. The digested cases are handy in tracking the recent rulings which are crucial in policy formulation in labor and employee relations. They are critical in a sense that the changes affect the labor environment and those not in the know may bear the adverse consequences.Read more..
Labor law is like a living organism that changes as time passes by. The employer who is more cognizant of the changes can adapt effectively. The presentation is indexed for easy reference. The book provides a digest of the recent decisions of the Supreme Court in labor such as cases on Retirement, Refusal to retire, Retirement plan vs. Labor Code Redundancy, Redundancy carried out by persons belonging to related companies, Labor claims against related companies, Employment contract, Audited financial statement (AFS) and Judicial notice of losses, Rehiring of some of the retrenched employees, Rehabilitation; and Quitclaim. This Year 2016 Digest covers SC Decisions on Strike; Notice of strike; Illegal strike; Valid dismissal; Employment status deemed lost; Transfer; Promotion; Resignation; force; threat; intimidation; coercion; release; waiver; quitclaim; Res judicata; Conclusiveness of judgment; Certification election; Illegal dismissal; Job contracting; Labor-only contracting; Labor-only contractor; Presumed labor-only contractor; Fixed-term; Fixed-term employment; Independent contractor; Repeated renewal; etc.
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HR Forms, Notices and Contracts 2 Soft Copy Version (170+ Templates in Editable Word)
0 out of 5HR Forms 2 Soft Copy is now available offering editable templates in Word Document of 170+ disciplinary forms, notices, policies and sample Code of Conduct (with graduated penalties).
Soft Copy Version (Word File only – Saved as Single File)
Alert!: If you were able to purchase any of our soft copy products in the past please double-check that they are not part of these templates. This product is indivisible and individual soft copy templates previously purchased cannot be deducted from the price.
The regular price of P5,495.00 includes free shipping.
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Based on the book Human Resource Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume Two
- Editable in Word file (Saved as one file “HR Forms Volume 2 Soft Copy”)
- Fonts Used: Courier New, Arial Fonts
- With separate file showing instructions on How to Use and Navigate the HR Forms
- The product will be sent to Buyer’s Email Account given from LVS’ gmail account.
- Over 170 Sample Forms and Templates such as:
- Sample Notice to Explain for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc. - Sample Notice of Hearing/Conference for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc.
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- Sample Notice of Dismissal for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc. - Sample Notice of Retrenchment
- With Criteria
- Recall of notice
- Sample Notice of Redundancy
- Sample Notice of Termination Due to Installation of Labor Saving Device
- Sample Notice of Termination Due to Disease
- Sample CBA
- Sample Code of Conduct
- Sample Employee Handbook (containing clause on Expanded Maternity Leave)
- Many more!
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- Editable in Word file (Saved as one file “HR Forms Volume 2 Soft Copy”)
Employee Transfer & Demotion
2.61 out of 5Title: Employee Transfer and Demotion
The book provides updated answers to the most pressing questions on employee transfer and demotion. This is must-have for employers who would want to make the right decision and avoid or minimize labor disputes.
This work will guide the practitioners and business owners in navigating the treacherous terrain of transfer and demotion. Questions regarding timing of transfer, acts to avoid, lateral position, location, and rank are concisely discussed in this work. The dos and don’ts in demotion are also clearly and completed explain.
The concepts are easy to understand making this book an important arsenal in every HR practitioner or business owner’s library.
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Batas Kasambahay
0 out of 5Title: Batas Kasambahay
Batas Kasambahay or Republic Act 10361 is a milestone legislation for Kasambahays all over the country. This by far has offered strong protection and more benefits for covered workers.
Salient provisions discussed in the book are new minimum wage, 5-day service incentive leave benefit, SSS, Philhealth and Pag-ibig coverage, payroll retention of 3 years, communication rules, grounds for termination, rescue, deployment expenses and debt bondage.
The book likewise provides Filipino excerpts on certain concepts for terms that are best expressed in our language. For those who initially read the draft of the book found the contents very useful. In fact, it can serve as handy reference for every household since topics are easy to read, well explained and the format is conducive to easy reading.
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HR Forms, Notices and Contracts Soft Copy Double Bundle in Word File
0 out of 5This is a time-limited offer involving two best-selling products of LVS Rich Publishing Inc.
These are the soft copies of HR Forms 1 and HR Forms 2 containing a combined total of more than 300 forms and templates ranging from pre-employment to post-employment.
Once purchased, they are sent to your email containing a list of forms and the templates, which are editable in Word file or format.
The forms are updated to the current labor laws, rules and regulations. The buyer will have an easier time to compose the needed document to administer any HR function or resolve important labor situation using the relevant form, notice, or contract.
Below this page, in the Description portion, are the sets of forms list included in the bundle for easy reference:
₱9,990.00₱9,500.00 -
HR Forms, Notices and Contracts 1 Soft Copy Version (150+ Templates in Editable Word)
0 out of 5Forms, Notices and Contracts
Soft Copy Version (Word File only – Saved as Single File)Alert!: If you were able to purchase any of our soft copy products in the past please double-check that they are not part of these templates. This product is indivisible and individual soft copy templates previously purchased cannot be deducted from the price.
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Based on the book Human Resource Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume One
- Editable in Word file (Saved as one file “HR Forms Volume 1 Soft Copy”)
- Fonts Used: Arial, Book Antiqua, Garamond
- With separate file showing instructions on How to Use and Navigate the HR Forms
- Product will be sent to Buyer’s Email Account from LVS’ gmail account.
- Over 150 Sample Forms such as:
- Employment Contracts (some with Data Privacy Consent Clause)
Part-Time - Consent under Data Privacy Act
- DOLE Mandatory Policies
- Drug-Free Workplace
- Hepatitis B
- Tuberculosis
- Anti-Sexual Harassment
- Acknowledgment Receipt of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Authority to Deduct (Debt)
- Notices to Explain
- Notices of Hearing/Conference
- Notice of Suspension
- Preventive Suspension
- Extension of Preventive Suspension
- Termination Notice
- Extension of Preventive Suspension
- Application Form
- Employment checklist, etc.
- Acceptance of Resignation
- Acceptance of Resignation with Pending Case (Graceful Exit)
- Clearance Form
- Release, Waiver and Quitclaim
- Many more!
Scroll down for more information (Table of Forms)
- Editable in Word file (Saved as one file “HR Forms Volume 1 Soft Copy”)
Solutions on Wage Order and Minimum Wage 2nd Ed.
2.79 out of 5Title: Solutions and Remedies on Wage Order and Minimum Wage
The book is designed as easy reference for HR Practitioners, Business Owners, Managers, and Expats who deal with Filipino labor.
Philippine law requires compliance by employers with minimum wages and benefits. It is simplistic to see this as mere implementation of labor rules. It is often more complicated than it seems.
This work guides readers on proper perspective, and practical knowledge in the tortuous highway of labor compliance. The discussion is served in no-frills platter as topics are presented in direct fashion and clear explanation.
This edition features Wage Order No. NCR-20 in the NCR. The book provides highlights on regional minimum wage, nature of wage order, wage or special group of workers (handicapped, paid by results, etc.), coverage and exemptions, CTPA, BMBE rules, wage distortion and how to correct it, salaries above minimum (creditable rule), across-the-board increases, and other interesting and important concepts.
This work can be a good tool in understanding the principles and doctrines in wage orders, irrespective of the rates applicable.
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Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2nd Edition 2019
0 out of 5Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2nd Edition, presents the changes on compensation income tax under R.A. 10963 or the TRAIN Law. The rates and withholding rules have changed after the passage of the law with the new withholding tax tables. The book however, addresses the main challenge for employers which is saving on tax while maximizing the take home of employees.
This work tackles this matter with the presentation of options to minimize tax implications. The revenue regulation, RR 8-2018 implements the TRAIN Law and is discussed in this work in a manner designed for understanding.
RR 11-2018 was also issued by the BIR which primarily deals with the changes on withholding rules. The author provides several sample computations and illustrations
of important concepts like exemption of compensation income of minimum wage earners. Tax on income beyond the non-taxable limit of P20,833 per month. Exclusions from substituted filing rules, among others. The preferential tax treatment of alien employees has been removed.Read more..
The TRAIN Law likewise increases the ceiling for the 13 th month pay and other benefits from the previous P82,000.00 to P90,000.00. This is another useful item to maximize the grant of benefits with minimal tax impact.
De Minimis Benefits are discussed in a comprehensive manner focusing on its availability for tax savings. The list has been updated and some amounts have been increased like that of rice subsidy, medical allowance for dependents, and uniform and clothing allowance.
Fringe benefits are also discussed in combination with all the other benefits granted by the new law and regulations. It is now at 35% which is an increase from the former 32%. The rules on computation of grossed-up monetary value, value of the benefits, and tax accounting rules of the benefits are detailed with examples.
HR and compensation and benefits practitioner as well as managers and business owners will appreciate the exposition of the rules, doctrines and principles under the new tax system.
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The Labor Code of the Philippines
0 out of 5Title: The Labor Code of the Philippines
The Labor Code of the Philippines by Atty. Elvin B. Villanueva
Suggested Retail Price: P948.00
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Employment Contracts Templates Soft Copy (English and Filipino/Tagalog)
Employment contracts in the Philippines should be crafted in accordance with rules to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
This is saved in a single file in Word (Arial Font using sizes 12, 14, and 20). Buyers will receive the file through email from LVS’ gmail account. There will be price increase for this product soon.
Alert!: If you were able to purchase any of our soft copy products in the past please double-check that they are not part of these templates. This product is indivisible and individual soft copy templates previously purchased cannot be deducted from the price.
This product, Employment Contracts Templates (English and Filipino), contains 40+ samples or templates of various employment contracts used in the Philippines such as:
- Probationary
- Regular
- Casual
- Project
- Seasonal
- Fixed-Term or Fixed-Period, and
- Part-Time
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Some sample templates contain show formats that incorporate provisions on:
- Data Privacy Consent Clause
- Discipline
- Reference to Job Description
- Benefits
- Place of Work
- Shift
- Performance Metrics
- Decorum/Uniform
- Shift, etc.
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