
Position Paper for Respondents Illegal Dismissal AWOL Per Trip


Position Paper for Respondents


Illegal Dismissal Case, Not Dismissed (AWOL), Per Trip


Company not Represented by Lawyer


This template is intended for use by employer / company that is not
represented by a lawyer in the filing of Position Paper (PP). This
contemplates companies that cannot afford full legal service or legal
representation and has to defend itself in a labor case.


The template is in font 14 (titles and other sub-titles have different
font sizes), Arial, Microsoft Word 360 or any updated version. The template
contains the following sections:


1. Title
2. Parties
3. Docket Number
4. Prefatory Statement
5. Parties
6. Facts
7. Issues
8. Arguments and Discussion
9. Prayer / Relief
10. Copy furnish


Read more..


Considering that this is intended from companies without counsel, the
authorized representative (usually, HR or any Manager), should have the
authority of the company. Since the company is a sole proprietorship, the
SPA of the owner will do.


If the company is a corporation, then it has to be supported by a
Secretary Certificate of a Board Resolution. In this case, separate SPA should
be issued by the individual respondent.


Other documents to accompany the submission of Position Paper are
Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping (VCAFS), Annexes.
Submission is simultaneous which means in the presence of each other, in
front of the Labor Arbiter (LA).


After the PP, parties will be required to submit Reply (RP) or Rejoinder
(RjP). The purchase of this template is not a replacement for a legal advice,
strategy, representation, and counsel. Hence, the buyer should proceed at
his own risk and render LVS, its management, and officers free and harmless
from any liability.




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