Mandatory Vaccination Policy for Onsite Workers (English Version)
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Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 1
2.54 out of 5Title: Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 1
This book provides the guidelines, jurisprudence, and even sample computations on some critical aspects of compensation like overtime, night-shift differential, holiday pay, etc. For example, how to calculate the daily rate if the employee works on a holiday, renders overtime, falling on night differential period and at a time where it is also his rest day? The book shows how.
It shows the solutions to situations in salary administration involving minimum wage and legally mandated benefits. The aim of this work is to promote payment of correct salaries and benefits to the best assets of the company while at the same time preserving the reason for being of any business: that is, derive profits.
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Temporary Flexible Work Arrangement Template – Work from Home – Soft Copy Editable Template
This is a soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document.
This contains the sample terms, conditions, clauses, and provisions of the contract described.
See the Description below to view the Contents of this soft copy template.
This Agreement establishes the terms and conditions of the Flexible Work Arrangement on account of the COVID-19 outbreak.
It states the WHEREAS clauses providing for the premises providing the voluntary participation in the temporary program. Parties agree to follow the applicable guidelines and policies for the purpose of supporting the government drive on social distancing.
It contains the duration and remote place of work (work-from-home), terms and conditions, duties, obligations, and responsibilities, provisions on business exigencies, data protection, return of company assets, and temporary costs on the company.
This also includes agreement on data privacy and confidentiality, applicability of all other company policies, modification, and termination.
This template is drafted on an 8.5” x 13” Word format, containing four (4) pages, using Arial font 12.
Solutions on Wage Order and Minimum Wage 2nd Ed.
2.79 out of 5Title: Solutions and Remedies on Wage Order and Minimum Wage
The book is designed as easy reference for HR Practitioners, Business Owners, Managers, and Expats who deal with Filipino labor.
Philippine law requires compliance by employers with minimum wages and benefits. It is simplistic to see this as mere implementation of labor rules. It is often more complicated than it seems.
This work guides readers on proper perspective, and practical knowledge in the tortuous highway of labor compliance. The discussion is served in no-frills platter as topics are presented in direct fashion and clear explanation.
This edition features Wage Order No. NCR-20 in the NCR. The book provides highlights on regional minimum wage, nature of wage order, wage or special group of workers (handicapped, paid by results, etc.), coverage and exemptions, CTPA, BMBE rules, wage distortion and how to correct it, salaries above minimum (creditable rule), across-the-board increases, and other interesting and important concepts.
This work can be a good tool in understanding the principles and doctrines in wage orders, irrespective of the rates applicable.
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Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2nd Edition 2019
0 out of 5Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2nd Edition, presents the changes on compensation income tax under R.A. 10963 or the TRAIN Law. The rates and withholding rules have changed after the passage of the law with the new withholding tax tables. The book however, addresses the main challenge for employers which is saving on tax while maximizing the take home of employees.
This work tackles this matter with the presentation of options to minimize tax implications. The revenue regulation, RR 8-2018 implements the TRAIN Law and is discussed in this work in a manner designed for understanding.
RR 11-2018 was also issued by the BIR which primarily deals with the changes on withholding rules. The author provides several sample computations and illustrations
of important concepts like exemption of compensation income of minimum wage earners. Tax on income beyond the non-taxable limit of P20,833 per month. Exclusions from substituted filing rules, among others. The preferential tax treatment of alien employees has been removed.Read more..
The TRAIN Law likewise increases the ceiling for the 13 th month pay and other benefits from the previous P82,000.00 to P90,000.00. This is another useful item to maximize the grant of benefits with minimal tax impact.
De Minimis Benefits are discussed in a comprehensive manner focusing on its availability for tax savings. The list has been updated and some amounts have been increased like that of rice subsidy, medical allowance for dependents, and uniform and clothing allowance.
Fringe benefits are also discussed in combination with all the other benefits granted by the new law and regulations. It is now at 35% which is an increase from the former 32%. The rules on computation of grossed-up monetary value, value of the benefits, and tax accounting rules of the benefits are detailed with examples.
HR and compensation and benefits practitioner as well as managers and business owners will appreciate the exposition of the rules, doctrines and principles under the new tax system.
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Digest of Critical Decisions of the Supreme Court on Labor Cases
0 out of 5Title: Digest of Critical Decisions of the Supreme on Labor Cases
(YEARS 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 Decisions)- Just cause for dismissal: Two steps process on Immorality; Totality of infraction principle;
- Procedural: Reglementary period to appeal; supersedeas bond; computation of backwages; finality of award
- OFW (Permanent disability; 120 day rule; 240 day rule; Krestel Ruling; InterOrient Shipping Doctrine; Lex loci contractus; forum non conveniens)
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Health Checklist & Workplace COVID-19 Protocol – Soft Copy Editable Template
0 out of 5On April 30, 2020 the Department Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) issued Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19.
The guidelines require employers to implement Health checklists containing declarations of various information and the Workplace Screening Protocol.
Below are sample templates of the health checklist and Screening Protocol which are Editable in Word. Templates are available at only P500.00 to be sent via your email.
HR Forms, Notices and Contracts Soft Copy Double Bundle in Word File
0 out of 5This is a time-limited offer involving two best-selling products of LVS Rich Publishing Inc.
These are the soft copies of HR Forms 1 and HR Forms 2 containing a combined total of more than 300 forms and templates ranging from pre-employment to post-employment.
Once purchased, they are sent to your email containing a list of forms and the templates, which are editable in Word file or format.
The forms are updated to the current labor laws, rules and regulations. The buyer will have an easier time to compose the needed document to administer any HR function or resolve important labor situation using the relevant form, notice, or contract.
Below this page, in the Description portion, are the sets of forms list included in the bundle for easy reference:
₱9,990.00₱9,500.00 -
Gabay sa mga Karapatan ng Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)
2.42 out of 5Title: Gabay sa mga Karapatan ng Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)
Author: Atty. Elvin B. Villanueva
Publisher: Central Book Supply, Inc.
ISBN: 978-971-011-130-5
No. Of Pages: 185
Size: 6″x9″
Edition: First Edition, 2010
Size: 6″x9″
Binding: Softbound -
Tax Solutions
2.49 out of 5Title: Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits
Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation & Benefits is a revelation for HR practitioners and compensation and benefits practitioners when it comes to taxation on employee pay.
The book shares several practical examples on computation of the benefits, compensation and other pay given to employee. The reader is guided on the intricacies of tax concepts and principles through simple discussion and examples.
Surely, this work can be helpful a tool for HR and comp-ben practitioners in understanding employment tax concepts so employees can clearly understand how taxes impact on their pay.
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Salary & Benefit Adjustment Agreement (in Filipino / English) – Soft Copy Editable Template
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