Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Policy
This template is in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order No. 187 “Instituting a Comprehensive and Unified Policy for Tuberculosis Control in the Philippines (CUP),” and Department Order No. 73-05, Series of 2005 of the Department of Labor and Employment, the company hereby adopts the policies and programs on the prevention and control of tuberculosis in the workplace.
Reminder!!! Buyer of any of the HR Bundle Products should CHECK if this product is already part of the HR bundle before proceeding to buy. Thank you!
This expresses the company’s aim to afford a work environment that is compliant with occupational health and safety regulations, conducive to productive work and employee development in compliance with DOLE requirements.
The softcopy template is written in Word document using MS Office 365 version, Arial font, 12 font size, containing 4 pages of 8.5”x11” layout.
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In compliance with the DOLE issuance, this template provides the following:
- Statement of Legal Compliance
- Declaration of Corporate Policy on Hepatitis B Prevention and Control
- Purpose
- Implementing Structure
- Coverage
- Guidelines
– Preventive Strategies - Recording, Reporting and Setting Up of Database
- Social Policy
– Non-Discriminatory Policy and Practices - Work Accommodation Arrangement
- Roles and Responsibilities of Workers
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HR Forms, Notices and Contracts 2 Soft Copy Version (170+ Templates in Editable Word)
0 out of 5HR Forms 2 Soft Copy is now available offering editable templates in Word Document of 170+ disciplinary forms, notices, policies and sample Code of Conduct (with graduated penalties).
Soft Copy Version (Word File only – Saved as Single File)
Alert!: If you were able to purchase any of our soft copy products in the past please double-check that they are not part of these templates. This product is indivisible and individual soft copy templates previously purchased cannot be deducted from the price.
The regular price of P5,495.00 includes free shipping.
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Based on the book Human Resource Forms, Notices & Contracts Volume Two
- Editable in Word file (Saved as one file “HR Forms Volume 2 Soft Copy”)
- Fonts Used: Courier New, Arial Fonts
- With separate file showing instructions on How to Use and Navigate the HR Forms
- The product will be sent to Buyer’s Email Account given from LVS’ gmail account.
- Over 170 Sample Forms and Templates such as:
- Sample Notice to Explain for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc. - Sample Notice of Hearing/Conference for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc.
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- Sample Notice of Dismissal for offenses falling under Serious Misconduct, Insubordination/Willful Disobedience, Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, etc.:
Theft, AWOL, Abandonment of Work, Falsification, Fighting, Sexual Intercourse within Office Premises, Fraud, Falsification of Receipts, Non-Wearing of Uniform/ID, Assaulting a Superior, Libel, Use of Prohibited Drugs, Possession of Prohibited Drugs, Accessing Website During Office Hours, Downloading Pornographic Videos, Playing Computer Games, etc. - Sample Notice of Retrenchment
- With Criteria
- Recall of notice
- Sample Notice of Redundancy
- Sample Notice of Termination Due to Installation of Labor Saving Device
- Sample Notice of Termination Due to Disease
- Sample CBA
- Sample Code of Conduct
- Sample Employee Handbook (containing clause on Expanded Maternity Leave)
- Many more!
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- Editable in Word file (Saved as one file “HR Forms Volume 2 Soft Copy”)
Probationary Employment Evaluation Packet Super 5™ – Soft Copy Editable Template
0 out of 5How to Evaluate Probationary Employees Using the
Probationary Employment Evaluation Packet Super 5This is a soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document.
This contains the sample terms, conditions, clauses, and provisions of the contracts described and the forms included.
See the Description below to view the Contents of this soft copy template.
One of the challenging aspects of monitoring the performance of a probationary employee is the establishment of performance ratings, metrics, or measures.
It is a settled rule that a probationary employee who was not apprised of the reasonable standards of performance to become regular employee is deemed regular from day one.
The same effect occurs for employees who have been with the company for at least six months and have not undergone performance evaluation. No matter how low did the probationary employee perform if the employer did not rate him with reasonable standards terminating the worker for failure to qualify is extremely risky.Read more..
Thus, when dealing with probationary employees, the company should have:
- Reasonable standards
- Made known such standards at the time of engagement
- Performance measures
- Periodic evaluation
- Clear rating plan, form, and template
With the right tools, the life of the employer would be bearable and the risk minimized to manageable level.
It is indeed a nerve-wracking exercise to devise the reasonable standards from scratch. However, this is made easy by the new products of LVS Rich Publishing known as the Probationary Employment Evaluation Packet Super 5.
This new soft copy product provides the proposed standards required for probationary to perform to qualify as regular employee. There are metrics with ratings and weights. There is a sample evaluation form where the employee rates himself and his superior then an average of the two ratings is obtained.
The rating system covers Performance, Punctuality/Attendance, Behavior, Teamwork, and Initiative. The total weight is 100%. If the probationary receives an average weight below 75% in one month, it shall be deemed as failure to meet the standards which may be ground for dismissal based on failure to qualify. Of course the buyer of this product can change the weight and rates according to what is considered applicable and necessary.
Performance metrics representing 30% of the total weight is based on Business Knowledge, Output/Production, Resourcefulness, and Teamwork.
Punctuality/attendance is one of the tricky areas to measure. The template though considers this as already 100% of its weight. It is given 20% weight subject to deduction of 3% for every instance of tardiness and 4% for every instance of unauthorized absence.Behavior is another matter of the same level of difficulty. To rate this, it is already pegged at 20% subject to deduction for every citation or violation of company rules, such as:
- Written warning – less 2%
- Stern warning – less 5%
- Written reprimand – less 6%
- 1-day Suspension – less 7%
- Longer suspension – less 10%
As to Performance metrics, sample rating spread can be seen in the Performance Review Template Excel File under the “Performance Weights” Sheet.
The rating system provides the following:
Outstanding Performance (OP) – Highest performance rating Reserved for individuals who continually achieve outstanding results and utilize their abilities in making contributions beyond their primary areas of responsibility.
Commendable Performance (CP) – Performance is above the expected level for the position making contributions beyond expectations in completion of assignments.
Effective Performance (EP) – Performance consistently meets supervisory expectations of the position requirements in making a valuable contribution to the overall objectives of the Group.
Marginal Performance (MP) – Performance does not consistently meet normal expectations and position requirements, improvement is required.
Unacceptable Performance (UP) – Performance fails to meet normal expectations and position requirements. Termination should be considered unless improvement is demonstrated in a short period of time.The buyer can Print Sheet 1 of the Performance Review Template Excel File entitled “Proby Metrics” Sheet as form in Performance Review where ratings shall be filled in. This will be used to tally the evaluation results based on performance metrics.
The Evaluation Packet comes with the Evaluation Guidelines file in Word document that will guide the user on how the evaluate the probationary employee using this product.
To further make this exercise easy, a sample evaluation of probationary employee is provided just to give the user a complete picture of how it will be done.
Upon purchase, the following files will be sent to the buyer’s email account from LVS’ Gmail Account:
- Contract of Probationary Employment for Daily Paid Employee (in Word document file)
- Description of the Contract of Probationary Employment for Daily Paid Employee (in Word document file)
- Evaluation Guidelines – Template (in Word document file)
- Performance Review Template (in Excel File)
- Sample Probationary Evaluation Template (in Word document file)
Employment Contracts Templates Soft Copy (English and Filipino/Tagalog)
Employment contracts in the Philippines should be crafted in accordance with rules to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
This is saved in a single file in Word (Arial Font using sizes 12, 14, and 20). Buyers will receive the file through email from LVS’ gmail account. There will be price increase for this product soon.
Alert!: If you were able to purchase any of our soft copy products in the past please double-check that they are not part of these templates. This product is indivisible and individual soft copy templates previously purchased cannot be deducted from the price.
This product, Employment Contracts Templates (English and Filipino), contains 40+ samples or templates of various employment contracts used in the Philippines such as:
- Probationary
- Regular
- Casual
- Project
- Seasonal
- Fixed-Term or Fixed-Period, and
- Part-Time
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Some sample templates contain show formats that incorporate provisions on:
- Data Privacy Consent Clause
- Discipline
- Reference to Job Description
- Benefits
- Place of Work
- Shift
- Performance Metrics
- Decorum/Uniform
- Shift, etc.
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₱3,995.00₱3,900.00 -
Human Resource Forms, Notices and Contracts Vol. 2
2.90 out of 5Title: Human Resource Forms, Notices & Contracts Made Easy Vol. 2
Procedures in labor law and social legislation are perilous terrain to navigate most especially to new practitioners in the field of employee relations. Reading and under-standing the provisions of law may not be enough since the actual implementation of the legal requirements will make or break any management decision.
It takes a combination of legal knowledge and experience in the field to safely execute the functions in employee relations. Thus, authors in this work discuss not only the legal principles in labor law but also share useful or practical forms to use in various situations.
By showing the forms to use, the practitioner is enlightened on the purpose and principles behind relevant labor law provisions. The risk involved in executing the management decision may be reduced once the principles and applications are put proper use.
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Guide to Valid Job Contracting & Sub Contracting
4.00 out of 5Title: Guide to Valid Job Contracting & Sub Contracting
This work will enlighten contractors, principals and all parties involved in contracting the rules, doctrines and principles behind job contracting. Discussed in this book are rules on labor-only contracting, right to control, supervision, registration, licensing, payment of wages, contracting in construction industry, security service, among others. Laws and rules discussed are D.O. 18-A, Articles 106-109 of the Labor Code, as amended, D.O.19, Series of 1998, RA 5487 on security contracts and its implementing rules.
Employers and Companies will benefit from extensive discussion on various issues on job contracting.
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Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 1
2.54 out of 5Title: Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 1
This book provides the guidelines, jurisprudence, and even sample computations on some critical aspects of compensation like overtime, night-shift differential, holiday pay, etc. For example, how to calculate the daily rate if the employee works on a holiday, renders overtime, falling on night differential period and at a time where it is also his rest day? The book shows how.
It shows the solutions to situations in salary administration involving minimum wage and legally mandated benefits. The aim of this work is to promote payment of correct salaries and benefits to the best assets of the company while at the same time preserving the reason for being of any business: that is, derive profits.
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Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 1, Second Edition
0 out of 5This book is the 2nd edition of one of ATTY. ELVIN B. VILLANUEVA’s best selling titles Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Volume 1. HR Practitioners, both new and veterans will find this work useful in understanding and keeping up with the latest rules, doctrines and principles on labor standards.
The subject matter of compensation and benefits is among the edgy topics which most HR practitioners, business managers, and even owners find challenging. As always, anything that deals with human psychology on pay, rewards, motivation, and equity requires full attention and creative solution.
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This work discusses the labor standards most particularly the exceptive rules where most practitioners are often blindsided. The rules and doctrines are tackled with illustrations and sample computations. Presentation of pay computations proceeds from the ordinary day, regular holiday, special day, and rest day or a combination of both holidays and rest days. These affects the daily rate, overtime, and nightshift differential.
There are relevant Supreme Court decisions where the high court interprets crucial areas of compensation. Rules on successive regular holidays are shown with example. Also, illustrative cases for overtime and nightshift differential are shown using different hours worked such as 2-hour, 4-hour, or even 8-hour OT and nightshift with computations when these coincide or concur on the same day.
The author also delineates the impact of benefits when the clock strikes 12:00 midnight such as on overtime, holiday pay, etc. This is particularly crucial for those with call center operations. Also discussed are company-initiated benefits rule, management prerogative to require overtime work, rule on travel time, brownout and other time-related issues.
New laws and rules are correlated with existing ones in the Labor Code such as the lactation period, primer on expanded maternity leave law (with sample salary differential computation), DO 178 and DO 184 on breaks mandated for employees who need to stand or sit for too long at work and the telecommuting act which affects the hours of work depending on the arrangement between the employer and employee.At the end of the day, compensation and benefits is an interesting area of HR/Labor practice. The key to harmony is understanding of the rules and it starts with acquisition of knowledge.
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Digest of Critical Decisions of the Supreme Court on Labor Cases
0 out of 5Title: Digest of Critical Decisions of the Supreme on Labor Cases
(YEARS 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 Decisions)- Just cause for dismissal: Two steps process on Immorality; Totality of infraction principle;
- Procedural: Reglementary period to appeal; supersedeas bond; computation of backwages; finality of award
- OFW (Permanent disability; 120 day rule; 240 day rule; Krestel Ruling; InterOrient Shipping Doctrine; Lex loci contractus; forum non conveniens)
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Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2nd Edition 2019
0 out of 5Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2nd Edition, presents the changes on compensation income tax under R.A. 10963 or the TRAIN Law. The rates and withholding rules have changed after the passage of the law with the new withholding tax tables. The book however, addresses the main challenge for employers which is saving on tax while maximizing the take home of employees.
This work tackles this matter with the presentation of options to minimize tax implications. The revenue regulation, RR 8-2018 implements the TRAIN Law and is discussed in this work in a manner designed for understanding.
RR 11-2018 was also issued by the BIR which primarily deals with the changes on withholding rules. The author provides several sample computations and illustrations
of important concepts like exemption of compensation income of minimum wage earners. Tax on income beyond the non-taxable limit of P20,833 per month. Exclusions from substituted filing rules, among others. The preferential tax treatment of alien employees has been removed.Read more..
The TRAIN Law likewise increases the ceiling for the 13 th month pay and other benefits from the previous P82,000.00 to P90,000.00. This is another useful item to maximize the grant of benefits with minimal tax impact.
De Minimis Benefits are discussed in a comprehensive manner focusing on its availability for tax savings. The list has been updated and some amounts have been increased like that of rice subsidy, medical allowance for dependents, and uniform and clothing allowance.
Fringe benefits are also discussed in combination with all the other benefits granted by the new law and regulations. It is now at 35% which is an increase from the former 32%. The rules on computation of grossed-up monetary value, value of the benefits, and tax accounting rules of the benefits are detailed with examples.
HR and compensation and benefits practitioner as well as managers and business owners will appreciate the exposition of the rules, doctrines and principles under the new tax system.
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Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 2, 2nd Ed.
2.55 out of 5Title: Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 2 Second Edition
Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits, Second Edition 2015 contains important discussion on 13 th month pay, 14 th month pay, Christmas and other bonuses. It also contains current information on rules on payment of wages, withholding of wages, wage deductions, employment bonds, as well as employee compensation on account of disability, injuries and death, among others. Also incorporated in this edition are recent decisions of the Supreme Court on the 13th month pay, bonuses, allowances and payment of wages. This edition presents newly promulgated rules and regulations on the above topics.
This book will prove helpful to all HR practitioners and professionals on employee or labor relations to achieve industrial harmony and productivity.
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