Code of Conduct – Soft Copy Editable Template
This product is a soft copy template providing sample disciplinary statements, procedures, offenses and their penalties usually found in the company’s Code of Conduct.
Save time composing and typing your own version. Save money in salaries asking employees to draft and compose your own for days on end, and make it easier for you, your team, and company to draft your Code of Conduct.
This product features one of the best-selling soft copy and editable English language templates of LVS Rich Publishing.
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- Description
The following are the highlight contents of the Code of Conduct Template:
- Definition of Terms:
- Written Warning
- Stern Warning
- Definition of Terms:
- Reprimand
- Suspension
- Dismissal
- Preventive Suspension
IV. OFFENSES AND THEIR PENALTIES (The list below has sub-offenses as shown in the actual template)
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Temporary Flexible Work Arrangement Template – Work from Home – Soft Copy Editable Template
This is a soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document.
This contains the sample terms, conditions, clauses, and provisions of the contract described.
See the Description below to view the Contents of this soft copy template.
This Agreement establishes the terms and conditions of the Flexible Work Arrangement on account of the COVID-19 outbreak.
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Human Resource Forms, Notices and Contracts Vol. 2
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Procedures in labor law and social legislation are perilous terrain to navigate most especially to new practitioners in the field of employee relations. Reading and under-standing the provisions of law may not be enough since the actual implementation of the legal requirements will make or break any management decision.
It takes a combination of legal knowledge and experience in the field to safely execute the functions in employee relations. Thus, authors in this work discuss not only the legal principles in labor law but also share useful or practical forms to use in various situations.
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Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 1, Second Edition
0 out of 5This book is the 2nd edition of one of ATTY. ELVIN B. VILLANUEVA’s best selling titles Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Volume 1. HR Practitioners, both new and veterans will find this work useful in understanding and keeping up with the latest rules, doctrines and principles on labor standards.
The subject matter of compensation and benefits is among the edgy topics which most HR practitioners, business managers, and even owners find challenging. As always, anything that deals with human psychology on pay, rewards, motivation, and equity requires full attention and creative solution.
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This work discusses the labor standards most particularly the exceptive rules where most practitioners are often blindsided. The rules and doctrines are tackled with illustrations and sample computations. Presentation of pay computations proceeds from the ordinary day, regular holiday, special day, and rest day or a combination of both holidays and rest days. These affects the daily rate, overtime, and nightshift differential.
There are relevant Supreme Court decisions where the high court interprets crucial areas of compensation. Rules on successive regular holidays are shown with example. Also, illustrative cases for overtime and nightshift differential are shown using different hours worked such as 2-hour, 4-hour, or even 8-hour OT and nightshift with computations when these coincide or concur on the same day.
The author also delineates the impact of benefits when the clock strikes 12:00 midnight such as on overtime, holiday pay, etc. This is particularly crucial for those with call center operations. Also discussed are company-initiated benefits rule, management prerogative to require overtime work, rule on travel time, brownout and other time-related issues.
New laws and rules are correlated with existing ones in the Labor Code such as the lactation period, primer on expanded maternity leave law (with sample salary differential computation), DO 178 and DO 184 on breaks mandated for employees who need to stand or sit for too long at work and the telecommuting act which affects the hours of work depending on the arrangement between the employer and employee.At the end of the day, compensation and benefits is an interesting area of HR/Labor practice. The key to harmony is understanding of the rules and it starts with acquisition of knowledge.
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Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 2, 2nd Ed.
2.55 out of 5Title: Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 2 Second Edition
Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits, Second Edition 2015 contains important discussion on 13 th month pay, 14 th month pay, Christmas and other bonuses. It also contains current information on rules on payment of wages, withholding of wages, wage deductions, employment bonds, as well as employee compensation on account of disability, injuries and death, among others. Also incorporated in this edition are recent decisions of the Supreme Court on the 13th month pay, bonuses, allowances and payment of wages. This edition presents newly promulgated rules and regulations on the above topics.
This book will prove helpful to all HR practitioners and professionals on employee or labor relations to achieve industrial harmony and productivity.
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The Labor Code of the Philippines
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The Labor Code of the Philippines by Atty. Elvin B. Villanueva
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Employee Transfer & Demotion
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This work will guide the practitioners and business owners in navigating the treacherous terrain of transfer and demotion. Questions regarding timing of transfer, acts to avoid, lateral position, location, and rank are concisely discussed in this work. The dos and don’ts in demotion are also clearly and completed explain.
The concepts are easy to understand making this book an important arsenal in every HR practitioner or business owner’s library.
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Digest of Critical Decisions of the Supreme Court on Labor Cases
0 out of 5Title: Digest of Critical Decisions of the Supreme on Labor Cases
(YEARS 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 Decisions)- Just cause for dismissal: Two steps process on Immorality; Totality of infraction principle;
- Procedural: Reglementary period to appeal; supersedeas bond; computation of backwages; finality of award
- OFW (Permanent disability; 120 day rule; 240 day rule; Krestel Ruling; InterOrient Shipping Doctrine; Lex loci contractus; forum non conveniens)
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Salary & Benefit Adjustment Agreement (in Filipino / English) – Soft Copy Editable Template
0 out of 5 -
Ring-Bound: Digest on Critical Supreme Court Decisions on Labor Cases 2016 Cases
0 out of 5- Binding: Ring-bound
- Paper size: 8.5” x 13”
- Colored Front Cover with Plastic protection
- Inside: White bond paper with black text
- No. of pages: Approximately 170
- Retail Price: P745.00
Digest of Critical Supreme Court Decisions on Labor Cases is an ambitious work to provide readers, HR practitioners, lawyers, and law students with crucial information on the Supreme Court decisions in labor cases. The digested cases are handy in tracking the recent rulings which are crucial in policy formulation in labor and employee relations. They are critical in a sense that the changes affect the labor environment and those not in the know may bear the adverse consequences.Read more..
Labor law is like a living organism that changes as time passes by. The employer who is more cognizant of the changes can adapt effectively. The presentation is indexed for easy reference. The book provides a digest of the recent decisions of the Supreme Court in labor such as cases on Retirement, Refusal to retire, Retirement plan vs. Labor Code Redundancy, Redundancy carried out by persons belonging to related companies, Labor claims against related companies, Employment contract, Audited financial statement (AFS) and Judicial notice of losses, Rehiring of some of the retrenched employees, Rehabilitation; and Quitclaim. This Year 2016 Digest covers SC Decisions on Strike; Notice of strike; Illegal strike; Valid dismissal; Employment status deemed lost; Transfer; Promotion; Resignation; force; threat; intimidation; coercion; release; waiver; quitclaim; Res judicata; Conclusiveness of judgment; Certification election; Illegal dismissal; Job contracting; Labor-only contracting; Labor-only contractor; Presumed labor-only contractor; Fixed-term; Fixed-term employment; Independent contractor; Repeated renewal; etc.
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Guide on Employee Compensation and Benefits Vol. 1
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This book provides the guidelines, jurisprudence, and even sample computations on some critical aspects of compensation like overtime, night-shift differential, holiday pay, etc. For example, how to calculate the daily rate if the employee works on a holiday, renders overtime, falling on night differential period and at a time where it is also his rest day? The book shows how.
It shows the solutions to situations in salary administration involving minimum wage and legally mandated benefits. The aim of this work is to promote payment of correct salaries and benefits to the best assets of the company while at the same time preserving the reason for being of any business: that is, derive profits.
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