Code of Conduct – Soft Copy Editable Template
This product is a soft copy template providing sample disciplinary statements, procedures, offenses and their penalties usually found in the company’s Code of Conduct.
Save time composing and typing your own version. Save money in salaries asking employees to draft and compose your own for days on end, and make it easier for you, your team, and company to draft your Code of Conduct.
This product features one of the best-selling soft copy and editable English language templates of LVS Rich Publishing.
Scroll down for more information
Sample Gender Based Sexual Harassment (Safe Spaces) Policy
This template is in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 11313, otherwise known as “An Act Defining Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in Streets, Public Spaces, Online, Workplaces, and Educational or Training Institutions, Providing Protective Measures and Prescribing Penalties Therefor”.
This expresses the company’s aim to afford employees the opportunity to work in an environment free of gender-based sexual harassment. This template is intended to provide companies or employers the reference to comply with Department of Labor and Employment’s (DOLE) requirement for companies to setup the policy against gender-based sexual harassment in the workplace.
This also enunciates the company’s thrust to value the dignity of every human person and guarantee full respect for human rights, recognize the role of women in nation-building and ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men; that both men and women must have equality, security and safety in workplaces.
Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. The crime of gender-based sexual harassment in the workplace includes the following:
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- An act or series of acts involving any unwelcome sexual advances, requests or demand for sexual favors or any act of sexual nature, whether done verbally, physically or through the use of technology such as text messaging or electronic mail or through any other forms of information and communication systems, that has or could have a detrimental effect on the conditions of an individual’s employment or education, job performance or opportunities;
- A conduct of sexual nature and other conduct-based on sex affecting the dignity of a person, which is unwelcome, unreasonable, and offensive to the recipient, whether done verbally, physically or through the use of technology such as text messaging or electronic mail or through any other forms of information and communication systems;
- A conduct that is unwelcome and pervasive and creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating environment for the recipient: Provided, That the crime of gender-based sexual harassment may also be committed between peers and those committed to a superior officer by a subordinate, or to a teacher by a student, or to a trainer by a trainee; and
- Information and communication system refers to a system for generating, sending, receiving, storing or otherwise processing electronic data messages or electronic documents and includes the computer system or other similar devices by or in which data are recorded or stored and any procedure related to the recording or storage of electronic data messages or electronic documents.
The softcopy template is written in Word document using MS Office 365 version, Verdana font, 12 font size, containing 9 pages of 8.5”x11” layout MS 360.
In compliance with the DOLE issuance, this template provides the following:
- Statement of Legal Compliance
- Declaration of Corporate Policy gender-based sexual harassment in the workplace
- Nature of gender-based sexual harassment in the workplace
- Relevant Definition
- Duties of the Company
- Duties of Employees and Co-Workers
- Information Campaign Against Gender-Based Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
- Procedures On Cases Involving Gender-Based Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
- Overview Of The Complaint Procedure
- Committee Composition
- Retaliation
- Written Policy
- Committee Rules In The Settlement And Disposition Of Cases Involving Gender-Based Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
- Filing Of Complaint
- Notice To Respondent And Reply
- Hearing Or Conference
- Notice Of Decision
- Appeals
- Confidentiality
Employee Handbook – Soft Copy Template
This product is a soft copy template providing sample provisions, policies, and statements usually found in the company’s Employee Handbook.
Save time composing and typing your own version. Save money in salaries asking employees to draft and compose the handbook for days on end, and make it easier for you, your team, and company to draft your own Employee Handbook with suggested provisions and statements.
This product features one of the best-selling soft copy and editable English language templates of LVS Rich Publishing.
Scroll down for more information
Probationary Employment Evaluation Packet Super 5™ – Soft Copy Editable Template
How to Evaluate Probationary Employees Using the
Probationary Employment Evaluation Packet Super 5This is a soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document.
This contains the sample terms, conditions, clauses, and provisions of the contracts described and the forms included.
See the Description below to view the Contents of this soft copy template.
One of the challenging aspects of monitoring the performance of a probationary employee is the establishment of performance ratings, metrics, or measures.
It is a settled rule that a probationary employee who was not apprised of the reasonable standards of performance to become regular employee is deemed regular from day one.
The same effect occurs for employees who have been with the company for at least six months and have not undergone performance evaluation. No matter how low did the probationary employee perform if the employer did not rate him with reasonable standards terminating the worker for failure to qualify is extremely risky.Read more..
Thus, when dealing with probationary employees, the company should have:
- Reasonable standards
- Made known such standards at the time of engagement
- Performance measures
- Periodic evaluation
- Clear rating plan, form, and template
With the right tools, the life of the employer would be bearable and the risk minimized to manageable level.
It is indeed a nerve-wracking exercise to devise the reasonable standards from scratch. However, this is made easy by the new products of LVS Rich Publishing known as the Probationary Employment Evaluation Packet Super 5.
This new soft copy product provides the proposed standards required for probationary to perform to qualify as regular employee. There are metrics with ratings and weights. There is a sample evaluation form where the employee rates himself and his superior then an average of the two ratings is obtained.
The rating system covers Performance, Punctuality/Attendance, Behavior, Teamwork, and Initiative. The total weight is 100%. If the probationary receives an average weight below 75% in one month, it shall be deemed as failure to meet the standards which may be ground for dismissal based on failure to qualify. Of course the buyer of this product can change the weight and rates according to what is considered applicable and necessary.
Performance metrics representing 30% of the total weight is based on Business Knowledge, Output/Production, Resourcefulness, and Teamwork.
Punctuality/attendance is one of the tricky areas to measure. The template though considers this as already 100% of its weight. It is given 20% weight subject to deduction of 3% for every instance of tardiness and 4% for every instance of unauthorized absence.Behavior is another matter of the same level of difficulty. To rate this, it is already pegged at 20% subject to deduction for every citation or violation of company rules, such as:
- Written warning – less 2%
- Stern warning – less 5%
- Written reprimand – less 6%
- 1-day Suspension – less 7%
- Longer suspension – less 10%
As to Performance metrics, sample rating spread can be seen in the Performance Review Template Excel File under the “Performance Weights” Sheet.
The rating system provides the following:
Outstanding Performance (OP) – Highest performance rating Reserved for individuals who continually achieve outstanding results and utilize their abilities in making contributions beyond their primary areas of responsibility.
Commendable Performance (CP) – Performance is above the expected level for the position making contributions beyond expectations in completion of assignments.
Effective Performance (EP) – Performance consistently meets supervisory expectations of the position requirements in making a valuable contribution to the overall objectives of the Group.
Marginal Performance (MP) – Performance does not consistently meet normal expectations and position requirements, improvement is required.
Unacceptable Performance (UP) – Performance fails to meet normal expectations and position requirements. Termination should be considered unless improvement is demonstrated in a short period of time.The buyer can Print Sheet 1 of the Performance Review Template Excel File entitled “Proby Metrics” Sheet as form in Performance Review where ratings shall be filled in. This will be used to tally the evaluation results based on performance metrics.
The Evaluation Packet comes with the Evaluation Guidelines file in Word document that will guide the user on how the evaluate the probationary employee using this product.
To further make this exercise easy, a sample evaluation of probationary employee is provided just to give the user a complete picture of how it will be done.
Upon purchase, the following files will be sent to the buyer’s email account from LVS’ Gmail Account:
- Contract of Probationary Employment for Daily Paid Employee (in Word document file)
- Description of the Contract of Probationary Employment for Daily Paid Employee (in Word document file)
- Evaluation Guidelines – Template (in Word document file)
- Performance Review Template (in Excel File)
- Sample Probationary Evaluation Template (in Word document file)
Sample Notice of Redundancy & Dole Report
Terminating and employee is a tricky and dangerous decision on the part of the employer considering the risk of being sued in labor courts. While there is no guarantee that an employer cannot be hailed to court, the employer can ensure strong defense through the use of correct forms and observance of valid procedure.
This product will help companies and employers make a valid decision to exercise the prerogative to terminate where the situation warrants. The headache of composing the notice from scratch is minimized with the use of these templates as a guide.
This template consists of Notice of Redundancy to employee concerned and the guide on how to fill out the DOLE report form based on the redundancy decision. The sample filled out DOLE Report is provided here as reference only. What is being sold here is the idea on how to fill out the form, the sample contents based on the Notice of Redundancy to serve as guide for the user and not the DOLE form itself.
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The DOLE form is not for sale by the DOLE. It is free on its website at Dole.gov.ph. If you are just after the DOLE Establishment Report form, then do not buy this product and just download the form from the DOLE website. This is the DOLE RKS Form 5 2020 Version.
By the time you purchased this there could already be another version. Hence, just follow this sample DOLE report as a guide whenever there is already a new DOLE report form.
Essentially, redundancy exists when an employee’s position is superfluous, or an employee’s services are in excess of what would reasonably be demanded by the actual requirements of the enterprise. Redundancy could be the result of a number of factors, such as the overhiring of workers, a decrease in the volume of business, or the dropping of a particular line or service previously manufactured or undertaken by the enterprise.
In this relation, jurisprudence explains that the characterization of an employee’s services as redundant, and therefore, properly terminable, is an exercise of management prerogative, considering that an employer has no legal obligation to keep more employees than are necessary for the operation of its business.
Nevertheless, case law qualifies that the exercise of such prerogative “must not be in violation of the law, and must not be arbitrary or malicious.” Thus, following Article 298 of the Labor Code, the law requires the employer to prove, inter alia, its good faith in abolishing the redundant positions, and further, the existence of fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining what positions are to be declared redundant and accordingly abolished.
To exhibit its good faith and that there was a fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining redundant positions, a company claiming to be over manned must produce adequate proof of the same” where required by the situation.Thus, the Court has ruled that it is not enough for a company to merely declare that it has become overmanned. Rather, it must produce adequate proof of such redundancy to justify the dismissal of the affected employees, such as but not limited to the new staffing pattern, feasibility studies/proposal, on the viability of the newly created positions, job description and the approval by the management of the restructuring.
As Article 298 states, “in case of termination due to xxx redundancy, the worker affected thereby shall be entitled to a separation pay equivalent to at least his one (1) month pay or to at least one (1) month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher.”
When redundancy would involve an employee holding a position where other employees are discharging similar functions, the employer has to establish criteria to use to determine who among them should be included in the redundancy. It bears noting that in redundancy, a position is being removed thus, all holders of such position are terminated.
In using this product, the company or employer has just to ensure that its situation is similar. The basic allegations should be satisfied such as there is superfluity in the functions. Also, when an employee’s services are in excess of what would reasonably be demanded by the actual requirements of the enterprise.
Hence, this product assumes a situation where the employer wants to prevent further losses
1. Sample Notice of Redundancy, containing:
a. Allegation of termination due to excess position
b. Review of the functions and alignment due to the financial situation of the company, decrease in the volume of business,
c. a reorganization has been proposed where positions doing identical functions at certain aspects of their job descriptions.
d. Crucial dates
e. Directive to undergo clearance procedure
f. Allegation of payment of separation pay upon completion of clearance2. Guide in Filling Out the DOLE Report
3. Sample filled out DOLE reportclose
Employment Contracts Templates Soft Copy (English and Filipino/Tagalog)
Employment contracts in the Philippines should be crafted in accordance with rules to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
This is saved in a single file in Word (Arial Font using sizes 12, 14, and 20). Buyers will receive the file through email from LVS’ gmail account. There will be price increase for this product soon.
Alert!: If you were able to purchase any of our soft copy products in the past please double-check that they are not part of these templates. This product is indivisible and individual soft copy templates previously purchased cannot be deducted from the price.
This product, Employment Contracts Templates (English and Filipino), contains 40+ samples or templates of various employment contracts used in the Philippines such as:
- Probationary
- Regular
- Casual
- Project
- Seasonal
- Fixed-Term or Fixed-Period, and
- Part-Time
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Some sample templates contain show formats that incorporate provisions on:
- Data Privacy Consent Clause
- Discipline
- Reference to Job Description
- Benefits
- Place of Work
- Shift
- Performance Metrics
- Decorum/Uniform
- Shift, etc.
Scroll down for more information
Employee Handbook and Code of Conduct – Soft Copy Editable Template
This product is a soft copy template providing sample disciplinary statements, procedures, offenses and their penalties usually found in the company’s Code of Conduct and provisions in Employee Handbook.
Save time composing and typing your own version. Save money in salaries asking employees to draft and compose your own version for days on end, and make it easier for you, your team, and company to draft your own policies.
This product combines two of the best-selling soft copy and editable English language templates of LVS Rich Publishing: 1) The Employee Handbook Template and 2) The Code of Conduct Template.
While these are part of another best-selling soft copy product, HR Forms 2 Editable Templates, they cater to those who only want to focus on having an idea on the drafting of their company handbook and code of conduct. The combined templates give the buyers the discounted price compared to when purchasing them individually.
Human Resource Forms, Notices, and Contracts 3 (in Filipino/Tagalog) – Soft Copy Editable Templates
This is a soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document.
Alert!: If you were able to purchase any of our soft copy products in the past please double-check that they are not part of these templates. This product is indivisible and individual soft copy templates previously purchased cannot be deducted from the price.
This product contains the sample terms, conditions, clauses, and provisions of the contract described.
See the Description below to view the Contents of this soft copy template.
HR Forms, Notices, and Contracts 3 in Filipino / Tagalog offers various employment forms in local language ranging from pre-employment, employment proper, and termination.
The current price being offered is introductory until October 31, 2021 only. Afterwards, regular price shall be PhP6,495.00.
This package contains 57 sample forms, notices, and contracts in local Filipino language. Some forms and concepts have separate primer discussion on the matter.
Below are the contents of the form.
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Form No. 1 – Job Offer in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 2 – Denial of Employment Application in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 3 – Acknowledgment of Company Policies where there was no Orientation in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 4 – Acknowledgment of Company Policies where there was Orientation in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 5 – Acknowledgment Receipt of Company Property in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 6 – Data Privacy Consent Document in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 7 – Contract for Fixed-Term English with Filipino / Tagalog Translation
Form No. 8 – Contract for Fixed-Term Employment in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 9 – Contract for Part-Time Employment in Filipino / Tagalog
Primer on Probationary Employment
Form No. 10 – Contract for Probationary Employment for Daily Paid Employee in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 11 – Contract for Probationary Employment for Monthly Paid Employee in Filipino / Tagalog
Explanation on Form No. 11
Form No. 12 – Contract for Probationary Employment [Simplified Version] in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 13 – Contract of Extension of Probationary Status
Explanation on Form No. 13
Primer on Casual Employment
Form No. 14 – Contract for Casual Employment Simplified Version-A in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 15 – Contract for Casual Employment Simplified Version-B in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 16 – Contract for Casual Employment Full-Length Version in Filipino / Tagalog
Primer on Project Employment
Form No. 17 – Contract for Project Employment in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 18 – Contract for Project Employment in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 18 – Contract for Seasonal Employment in Filipino / Tagalog
Primer on Contract for Seasonal Employment
Form No. 19 – Contract for Seasonal Employment in Filipino / Tagalog
Primer on Regular Employment
Form No. 20 – Contract for Regular Employment
Form No. 21 – Contract for Regular Employment Simplified Version in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 22 – Contract for Regular Employment Monthly-Paid Employee in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 23 – Contract for Regular Employment Monthly-Paid Employee Simplified Version in Filipino / Tagalog
Explanation on Form No. 23
Primer on Service Training Agreement
Form No. 24 – Service Training Agreement in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 25 – Overtime Request Form
Primer on ResignationForm No. 26 – Acceptance of Resignation
Discussion: Acceptance of Resignation Where the Employee has a Pending Case or is Under Administrative Investigation
Form No. 27 – Acceptance of Resignation where the Employee has a Pending Case Under Investigation
Form No. 28 – Release, Waiver and Quitclaim in Tag-Lish (Tagalog / English) Version
Form No. 29 – Release, Waiver and Quitclaim in Tagalog / Filipino
Primer on the Notice to Explain (NTE)
Form No. 30 – Notice to Explain (NTE) for Tardiness in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 31 – Notice of Decision for Tardiness in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 32 – Notice to Explain (NTE) for Repeated Tardiness in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 33 – Notice to Explain (NTE) for Repeated Tardiness in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 34 – Notice of Administrative Hearing / Conference for Repeated Tardiness in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 35 – Notice of Decision for Repeated Tardiness in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 37 – Notice to Explain (NTE) for AWOL Punishable with Warning in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 38 – Notice of Warning for AWOL in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 39 – Notice to Explain (NTE) for AWOL Punishable with Suspension in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 40 – Notice of Administrative Hearing / Conference for AWOL Punishable with Suspension in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 41 – Notice of Suspension for AWOL in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 42 – Notice of Suspension when the employee failed to attend the administrative conference in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 43 – NTE for AWOL Leading to Abandonment of Work in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 44 – Notice of Administrative Hearing / Conference for AWOL Leading to Abandonment of Work in Filipino / Tagalog
Explanation on Form No. 44
Form No. 45 – Notice of Dismissal for Abandonment of Work in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 46 – Notice to Explain Falsification of Timecard in Filipino / Tagalog
Primer on Preventive Suspension Included in the NTE
Form No. 46 – Notice to Explain Falsification of Timecard with Preventive Suspension in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 47 – Notice to Explain Falsification of Attendance Record in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 48 – Notice of Administrative Conference for Falsification in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 49 – Notice of Suspension for Falsification of Attendance Record in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 50 – Notice to Explain Fighting within Office Premises in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 51 – Notice of Administrative Hearing / Conference for Fighting within Office Premises in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 52 – Notice of Suspension for Fighting within Office Premises in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 53 – Notice of Decision for Fighting within Office Premises in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 54 – Notice to Explain for Theft with Preventive Suspension in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 55 – Notice of Administrative Conference in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 56 – Notice of Decision for Theft in Filipino / Tagalog
Form No. 57 – Code of Conduct in Filipino / Tagalog
Position Paper for Respondents Illegal Dismissal AWOL Per Trip
Position Paper for Respondents
Illegal Dismissal Case, Not Dismissed (AWOL), Per Trip
Company not Represented by Lawyer
This template is intended for use by employer / company that is not
represented by a lawyer in the filing of Position Paper (PP). This
contemplates companies that cannot afford full legal service or legal
representation and has to defend itself in a labor case.The template is in font 14 (titles and other sub-titles have different
font sizes), Arial, Microsoft Word 360 or any updated version. The template
contains the following sections:1. Title
2. Parties
3. Docket Number
4. Prefatory Statement
5. Parties
6. Facts
7. Issues
8. Arguments and Discussion
9. Prayer / Relief
10. Copy furnishRead more..
Considering that this is intended from companies without counsel, the
authorized representative (usually, HR or any Manager), should have the
authority of the company. Since the company is a sole proprietorship, the
SPA of the owner will do.If the company is a corporation, then it has to be supported by a
Secretary Certificate of a Board Resolution. In this case, separate SPA should
be issued by the individual respondent.Other documents to accompany the submission of Position Paper are
Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping (VCAFS), Annexes.
Submission is simultaneous which means in the presence of each other, in
front of the Labor Arbiter (LA).After the PP, parties will be required to submit Reply (RP) or Rejoinder
(RjP). The purchase of this template is not a replacement for a legal advice,
strategy, representation, and counsel. Hence, the buyer should proceed at
his own risk and render LVS, its management, and officers free and harmless
from any liability.close
Position Paper for Respondents, No Lawyer, Illegal Dismissal re Partial Closure or Cessation
Position Paper for Respondents
Illegal Dismissal Case, Authorized Cause Cessation of Operations – Partial,
Company not Represented by Lawyer
Introductory Price until 30 June 2025: PhP6,500.00Regular Price: PhP8,500.00
While it is not required that a lawyer be engaged to defend against a
labor case, Position Paper, Reply, and Rejoinder are submissions that require
understanding of basic legal technicalities. For companies or employers that
cannot afford the services of a counsel, this can be a nightmare without any
template or reference.In certain cases, most HR practitioners hired by companies are familiar
with the basic laws and allegations. Thus, a template usually supplements
this making the company able to file the Position Paper even without the
engagement of a counsel. With mastery of facts of the case, basic labor
laws, sense of justice, common sense, and this template, any employer who
intends to defend against a labor suit, with conviction to obtain justice, may
successfully file an acceptable Position Paper.This template is intended for use by employer / company that is not
represented by a lawyer in the filing of Position Paper (PP). This
contemplates companies that cannot afford full legal service or legal
representation and has to defend itself in a labor case.This involves a termination for authorized cause, specifically partial
closure or cessation of operation involving a company’s fishing vessel and
termination of some crew members. Employers closing in part their
operation can benefit from this template by employing analogy and
association of arguments.Read more..
The template is in font 14 (titles and other sub-titles have different
font sizes), Arial, Microsoft Word 360 or any updated version. The template
contains the following sections:1. Title
2. Parties
3. Docket Number
4. Prefatory Statement
5. Parties
6. Facts
7. Issues
8. Arguments and Discussion9. Prayer / Relief
10. Copy furnishConsidering that this is intended from companies without counsel, the
authorized representative (usually, HR or any Manager), should have the
authority of the company. Since the company is a sole proprietorship, the
SPA of the owner will do.If the company is a corporation, then it has to be supported by a
Secretary Certificate of a Board Resolution. In this case, separate SPA should
be issued by the individual respondent.Other documents to accompany the submission of Position Paper are
Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping (VCAFS), Annexes.
Submission is simultaneous which means in the presence of each other, in
front of the Labor Arbiter (LA).After the PP, parties will be required to submit Reply (RP) or Rejoinder
(RjP). The purchase of this template is not a replacement for a legal advice,
strategy, representation, and counsel. Hence, the buyer should proceed at
his own risk and render LVS, its management, and officers free and harmless
from any liability. Purchased copy will be sent to buyer’s email.If the company is a corporation, then it has to be supported by a
Secretary Certificate of a Board Resolution. In this case, separate SPA should
be issued by the individual respondent.Other documents to accompany the submission of Position Paper are
Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping (VCAFS), Annexes.
Submission is simultaneous which means in the presence of each other, in
front of the Labor Arbiter (LA).After the PP, parties will be required to submit Reply (RP) or Rejoinder
(RjP). The purchase of this template is not a replacement for a legal advice,
strategy, representation, and counsel. Hence, the buyer should proceed at
his own risk and render LVS, its management, and officers free and harmless
from any liability.close
Triple Bundle Labor HR Editable Templates – Soft Copy Editable Template
This is a soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document.
This contains the sample terms, conditions, clauses, and provisions of the contract described.
See the Description below to view the Contents of this soft copy template.
This is a time-limited offer involving three (3) best-selling product templates of LVS Rich Publishing Inc.
These are the soft copies of HR Forms 1, HR Forms 2 and HR Forms 3, containing a combined total of more than 370 forms ranging from pre-employment to post-employment. HR Forms 3 has tagalog/Filipino templates of contracts, notices, and some sample policies.
They will be sent to your email account from LVS’ designated gmail account. The package contains a list of forms and the templates, which are editable in Word file or format.
The forms are updated to the current labor laws, rules and regulations.
The buyer will have an easier time to compose the needed document to administer any HR function or resolve important labor situation using the relevant form, notice, or contract.