Release, Waiver and Quitclaim Resigned Standard – Soft Copy Editable Template

Release, Waiver and Quitclaim Resigned Standard – Soft Copy Editable Template


This is a soft copy product template, save in Word File and editable in Word Document containing the important provisions needed for the release of employer from liability and the waiver and quitclaim of the employee of all claims against the company.


This is called a standard version because this contemplates ordinary situation where the employee simply claims the final pay and executed this along with it. Ordinary situations
include death of employee, the one claiming is not the employee, the employee is retired and hospitalized and the one claiming is a relative or family member, the employee died of gunshot, etc.


Scroll down for more information


  • Description


Important allegations in this form are as follows:


  1. Name , address, and nationality of employee
  2. Fact of separation where the employee declares any of the following
    • Resignation (allege that it was voluntary and accepted)
  3. Amount of final pay and benefits
  4. Acknowledgment of receipt
  5. Release and discharge statementAgainst the company
    • Against the officers
    • Against the managers
    • Against the agents
    • Against the employees
  6. Waiver against claim, liability, damage
  7. Non-filing of suit
  8. Dismissal for those filed
  9. Statement of voluntariness and willingness in the execution
  10. Signature
  11. Notarial Acknowledgment
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