Non-APOR Driver / Fetcher Certification Soft Copy
This is a suggested soft copy template saved in Word File and editable in Word Document involving the Philippine National Police (PNP) declaration to require non-APOR fetchers / drivers of the APOR individuals to present a certification before the checkpoint personnel, among other requirements.
As a background, on July 29, 2021 the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) issued Resolution No. 130-A, Series of 2021 placing the NCR under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) for the period August 6-20, 2021.
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- Description
In placing the NCR under ECQ, only APORs are allowed to go outside of the residence and in the interzonal or intrazonal areas. Thus, APOR workers may cross borders of cities and even provinces where the work requires them to do so.
However, there are APORs who do not know how to driver. Thus, they employ drivers to take them to and from place of work. The Philippine National Police (PNP) initially disallowed these drivers to drive around.
But after reconsideration, allowed the non-APOR drivers / fetchers of APORs (a.k.a. “hatid-sundo”) to cross interzonal and intrazonal borders provided they comply with the following requirements:
1. Certificate of Employment (COE) of the Worker-APOR from the Employer, indicating the name of the designated non-APOR driver/fetcher of the worker-APOR, the make and plate number of the vehicle to be used, and the contact number of the employer; and
2. Copy of Business Permit of the Employer
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The above requirements though assumes that the APOR hired the non-APOR driver / fetcher.
How about those non-APOR drivers or fetchers of APORs who are not the employees of the latter? This happens when the said drivers / fetchers are just relatives of the APOR who are not employees of the company which employed the APOR.
Below is the possible Certification that may fill the gap in this requirement, until the government issues a clear content on this matter.
As a form of disclaimer, this is just an idea, providing approximate compliance to the possible requirement considering the situation and does not guarantee that it will pass all the border checkpoints:
- Name of Employer of an APOR,
- Name of the Non-APOR driver / fetcher
- Name Employee to be driven / fetched
- Citation of applicable rules (e.g. IATF Omnibus Guidelines, DTI, etc.)
- Purpose for which it was issued
- Name and signature of the authorized person issuing the Certification
It bears noting that the PNP requires the presentation of the Business Permit of the issuing company or establishment. The buyer / user may edit as necessary.