How to Pass The Bar Exams
Title: How to Pass The Bar Exams
In this book, the author shares his story, anecdotes and events that transpired prior during and after 2009 bar exams. He details how personal life, work and other things affect the preparation for bar exams. He shares the right mental attitude that one should have to conquer this most trying exam in the country. He shares his own inventory of review materials, list of books per subject, six month review calendar, pre-week calendar and even daily/or hourly routine showing work and review schedules.
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Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2nd Edition 2019
Tax Solutions on Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2nd Edition, presents the changes on compensation income tax under R.A. 10963 or the TRAIN Law. The rates and withholding rules have changed after the passage of the law with the new withholding tax tables. The book however, addresses the main challenge for employers which is saving on tax while maximizing the take home of employees.
This work tackles this matter with the presentation of options to minimize tax implications. The revenue regulation, RR 8-2018 implements the TRAIN Law and is discussed in this work in a manner designed for understanding.
RR 11-2018 was also issued by the BIR which primarily deals with the changes on withholding rules. The author provides several sample computations and illustrations
of important concepts like exemption of compensation income of minimum wage earners. Tax on income beyond the non-taxable limit of P20,833 per month. Exclusions from substituted filing rules, among others. The preferential tax treatment of alien employees has been removed.Read more..
The TRAIN Law likewise increases the ceiling for the 13 th month pay and other benefits from the previous P82,000.00 to P90,000.00. This is another useful item to maximize the grant of benefits with minimal tax impact.
De Minimis Benefits are discussed in a comprehensive manner focusing on its availability for tax savings. The list has been updated and some amounts have been increased like that of rice subsidy, medical allowance for dependents, and uniform and clothing allowance.
Fringe benefits are also discussed in combination with all the other benefits granted by the new law and regulations. It is now at 35% which is an increase from the former 32%. The rules on computation of grossed-up monetary value, value of the benefits, and tax accounting rules of the benefits are detailed with examples.
HR and compensation and benefits practitioner as well as managers and business owners will appreciate the exposition of the rules, doctrines and principles under the new tax system.
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